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What IS It Like To Be An Acton Parent?

The Hero's Journey Is Never Easy... For Your Child Or For You

February 8, 2022

No Teachers at the front of the room teaching?

No Homework?

No Tests?

That doesn't even sound like school (at least not the one we went to)...

The Acton Approach IS different.

But it isn't ALL freedom, fun, and games. With freedom comes responsibility. And a big part of the systems of Acton, is creating that daily accountabilit with a focus on excellence... and sometimes even produces tears.

Thanks to our friends up in Acton Academy North Broward, we had the blessing of being Acton parents before our own school opened. And one thing that struck us, is how much the Hero's Journey not only describes the daily adventures for our daughter, but our own learning process as adults too.

For families who are digging deep into this Acton path, I thought you might enjoy reading this illuminating blog post by Dr. Elizabeth Dean, a parent of a child at The Village School in Northern Virginia.

As Elizabeth explains:

There is so much to be grateful for as a TVS parent. There is struggle and it’s not always pretty, but I do know when there is a struggle, it is a worthy one. it. There is no homework or test for which to cram. There are, however, many tests of patience, character, perseverance, and so much learning.

And sometimes it is about creating many magic moments... like this one:

On the other side of the shower curtain is a request to play the “It’s Not” game, one of her favorite thinking games she learned at school. The premise is to see everyday objects as new things, valuing creative and divergent thinking. “It’s not soap, it’s a magical potion that makes rainbows wherever you soap it,” comes the voice from the other side of the curtain.

How can you become the Ally and Guide your child needs alone the way of their Hero's Journey?

What will your own Hero's Journey look like? 

What are your dragons?

Will you slay... or befriend those dragons?