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Unschooling & The Heroes Journey

It's Not Just Learning Opportunities For Our Children

May 31, 2021

This past week, AAFTL Head of School Tobin Slaven appeared on Firebuilders LIVE with host Josh Koerpel to talk about Acton Academy and The Heroes Journey.

The conversation took an interesting turn (Josh asked a lot of great questions) when we explored what any adult could take away from the Heroes (students) and the Acton experience.

As Tobin explained, this biggest challenge for him is that he has worked for years as an "expert-based entrepreneur" leading workshops and training events for other entrepreneurs. So making the shift from "here, let me share what I know" to "Which of these would you choose, and why?" requires be willing to do things differently.

But this willingness to let the struggle and the chaos happen, is how we build more resilient human spirtis. We want that for our children. But any open-minded person will thrive in that environment because it taps in the best of us.

Our heroes at Acton Academy Fort Lauderdale know this because every Quest and Contract is designed by them, with their own choices in mind. And it isn't always easy.

And with all that freedom comes responsibility.

Joy + Rigor = Mastery

If you are a parent (maybe even an entrepreneur yourself) with a son or daughter who you think would prosper from being around other Heroes exploring their own entrepreneurial ideas, you might want to check out our 2 summer sessions of Father Daughter Business Starter.

(Hint, hint -it's not just for Dad's and Daughters).