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Children's Business Fair, Burning The Boats On The Beaches, & Helping The Blind See

June 14, 2022

Buckle-up Buttercup.

This end-of-the-school year post will likely shift the way you see the world. If you have an open mind, we are going to squeeze the tube and that toothpaste will never go back in. But you will get the fresh, clear, good-smelling breath feeling about the world and people around us.

Or if you are not so open to new ideas or new ways of doing things... nothing to see here.

Move along. Move along. Only continue to read if you are willing to go down the rabbit hole. 😎

Celebrating The Spring Children's Business Fair

This past weekend we wrapped up the school year with our second Children's Business Fair at the Museum of Discovery & Science. What a day!

We had 20 booths and over 25 budding entrepreneurs representing several different schools (including two different Actons, AAFTL and AANB) plus a number of home-schooling families.

We had a bunch of booths register gross sales over $100 (with a couple close to $200). Every participant received their own CBF t-shirt. And consistent with the national network of Children's Business Fairs, all the young entrepreneurs were judged by a panel of business people and educators who ranked across categories for creativity and salesmanship.

Here is a summary of our category winners:

Ages 5 to 8:

  • Most Original & Highest Potential - Creative Panda by Vadislava (age 8)
  • Most Creative & Best Use of Theme - Creative Panda by Vadislava (age 8)
  • Best Presentation & Salesmanship - Seaside Creations by Marlee (age 7)

Ages 9 to 10:

  • Most Original & Highest Potential - Sharkey Malarkey's Ice Cream by Dillen (age 10)
  • Most Creative & Best Use of Theme - Divya's Amazing Animal Books by Divya (age 9)
  • Best Presentation & Salesmanship - Tie between Sharkey Malarkey's Ice Cream & Divya's Amazing Animal Books

Ages 11 to 14: (an unprecedented sweep of all 3 awards)

  • Most Original & Highest Potential - Lily's Shell Lights by Lily (age 11)
  • Most Creative & Best Use of Theme - Lily's Shell Lights by Lily (age 11)
  • Best Presentation & Salesmanship - Lily's Shell Lights by Lily (age 11)

A big shout-out, first to our friends at MODS who helped us host this year's event. What a great location to be under the canopy in the Atrium at MODS. We were never happier than when the rain and wind storm kicked in, but all our families were safe under cover 💨 ⛈ 😱 😊

And a special shoutout of respect to all the parents of our participants who challenged themselves to step-back, and let the children learn things the hard way. That is THE premise and the promise of the Children's Business Fair. It is often easier said than done.

There were a number of stories that stood out from the day. From one of our youngest entrepreneurs who clearly did his own work and had one of the simplest presentations, but ended up with one of the highest profit margins of all the booths.

To another young man who stayed right to the bitter end, offering up his remaining refreshments to MODS staff as the wrapped up the event. To the young lady who while disappointed about not winning one of the awards, took the time to ask about areas for improvement.

And to the whole bunch of young entrepreneurs who not only made their money for the day, but chose to spend their profits supporting their fellow entrepreneurs.

It was a good day to see and imagine what is being done by our budding entpreneurs, and what is possible for the future.

Note: if you are interested in joining our next CBF for 2023, make sure you add your name and email to the notification list.

If You Only Read To One Thing This Week

(A Story About When The Blind Can See)

Speaking of how hard it is to be a parent, and the challenge of stepping back to let your loved ones grow through struggle... if you ONLY read one thing this week (you can even listen to it if you prefer) PLEASE set aside some time to digest this message.

Why is THIS worth your precious time?

Because we are talking helping the blind see (both figuratively and literally) world-changing impact. But it is also the story about how we really impact one another.

It will completely change how you look at and interact with your child (even with other people). Like I said at the top of the post, this is a "once the toothpaste is out of the tube" moment for you and me, that will likely change the trajectory of our interactions with others (and the course of their lives). Are you with me?

Are you willing to give up a bit of time to make that kind of impact?

Note: The cool thing here, is you can read the transcript, or if you prefer the audio experience is amazingly done. Just don't shortchange yourself or your loved one's, by being too busy.

Burning The Ships On The Beaches

This past week our little Tribe also wrapped up the school year, with a day on the water courtesy of Lacey Meade and

One thing that is unique to the Acton environment is the use of Ceremonies and Initations that mark the occasion. You might have seen our birthday celebrations earlier this spring (with counting trips around the sun).

For our end-of-year celebration, we not only shared a summary of work achieved, but each Hero and parent ALSO quietly wrote their biggest fears and the greatest treasures they seek, on the sides of tiny paper boats.

Inspired by the words of Joseph Campbell and inspired by the Hero's Journey, each of us confronted our own path forward:

The Cave You Fear To Enter, Holds The Treasure You Seek

This fleet of dreams and fears traveled with us down the New River to Whiskey Creek at Eula Johnson State Park, where we completed the ceremony with a "Viking Funeral" as each tiny ship was set aflame and put out to sea.

Note: No sea life or endangered species were harmed in the intiation of this ceremony, as all the remains of our fleet were collected and removed after the ceremony 🫡

One Last Thought To Ponder

At the start of this post, I challenged you to "Buckleup" and open your ideas to what is possible.

If a blind person (literally with no eyeballs) can see... depending on IF we treat them differently 🤔

IF facing the things that scare us the most... are actually the doorway to what we most desire 🤔

And IF we allow even the youngest of children to learn that they can be, or get, or enjoy, and also give... just by harnessing their own creative ideas in the form of a creative business project (that might also take them outide of their comfort zone) 🤔

WHAT is truly possible in this world (for you, for your children, for those you love)? 🤔 🎁

Acton is built around the Hero's Journey, and the idea that Learning To Be and Learning To Do are THE fundamental launch platform underneath Learning To Learn.

Your beliefs become your thoughts,

Your thoughts become your words,

Your words become your actions,

Your actions become your habits,

Your habits become your values,

Your values become your destiny.

And that is how each of us will change the World.

I don't think anyone has said it better than our friend Matt Beaudreau in his TEDx talk, when he ask if we would want our children to learn Jiu Jitsu from the mat, or from a multiple choice test.

Have A Great summer Everyone! Watch for upcoming announcement about our new home 😱 🤞